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Old 08-07-2005, 10:55
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vwmk2driver vwmk2driver is offline
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As men today a whole day court thus early there out sharpen top with and at the blow.

Am first yet further gone with crabs so the tectyl and anti stone blow layer to remove in the 2de fence. After that this successful wash I am begun remove fence with of outside and fence in. As you know were thus the screens not good joined usual bless there over away joined thus now the loose afgeslepen and the old screen had been pulled. looked back to see to that I so little possible must verlassen just now by the new edges.

I would say verify the photographs the being there enough: biggrin:

this came thinks is I thus against under the antidreun low you thus the bottom hard but then you get this: biggrin:

and the old plate on the dorpel away gotten that there on baked was

the old screen edge removed rechst:biggrin:

left edge

within screen away get

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