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vw_dick 05-03-2004 05:36

Tron: Detailing; Before & After + Bonus Celebrity Pic (56k no way!)
Well, I finally got my car cleaned... it's only been a few years, so I figured it was about time.:p

Cleaning history in the last few years:

Exterior - 4 times-ish?
Interior - Nevar... and recently trashed by thieves/vandals who made off w/ my sub/box/amp & tools :mad:

They spilled mcd's bbq & hot mustard sauce on the passenger side. They dumped a bottle of citrus air freshener. They dumped a ziploc of vanilla protein powder on my rear carpet - which then got wet... when a pisstanked passenger dropped a bottle of water which he stole from my case of H2O. They also dumped out my bottle of simple green in the hatch, causing sour key candies to mold. :screwy:

Pics Pics Pics as promised!

For starters, a classic pic of my car, Tron:

She's changed a wee bit since that pic a couple years ago.. as you'll soon see.

Took some before & after pics of the detail job. Here they be:


Like the goof I can be sometimes (har har to all those who just went "pfft, all the time...":p), I forgot to flip open the flash on my brother's digicam - so a bunch of the pics are dark and others simply didn't turn out. :/

Rear passenger corner:

*note the adhesive residue coating the interior of both rear quarter glass and the hatch glass from detinting.

Round the front we go...

Tron's got single round 7" hella's now w/ a jom badgeless grille (not entirely attached, as you can see, due to my laziness)
also a grey hood from an '86 jetta, hence the '85 jolf status:p

oh yes, that smokey light did explode good... for the 2nd time.:banghead:
First time was just after install when a friend touched the bulb prior to install, second time i believe was due to a flaw in the bulb's tip.
btw, she's equipped w/ mmp relays & 90/130 bulbs. (or is the notation 130/90?)

Next up is my kindergarten bondo job, complete avec WAY too much cream hardener!:p
I had to have the car inspected last summer... coppers caught me driving around with no mufflers... (they rotted off:p:D) - I wonder how they could tell?:rolleyes::p
preinspection, I was informed that any jagged metal edges that a passerby could potentially scrape themselves on would automatically fail the car... so I went to work with a fistfull of bondo the night before.:p
That & I had $1300(cdn) worth of exhaust work done, and a rear brake job.. etc etc $2500+ inspection. lights & such were done at this time too... as the old drivers side square was permanently aimed into the 2nd story window of houses on the opposite side of the street.:p dope, i know - but they had to be changed/aligned to be legal.

IM for bodywork labour service charges - I can do just as good a job on your ride!:)

I wised up to the non-flash thingy & flipped it open for a couple pics inside... too bad the hatch pics were bunk/blacked out :/

anywho, here's what the interior looked like up front:

That'd be a roll off film from a drunken night w/ friends that a buddy of mine gave me duplicates of. jerkoff theives scattered them from my glovebox.:mad:

Oh yeah, almost forgot... there's a fair bit of dust/dirt on the floormats from a couple month stint i did at the university of british columbia - digging out foundations with a jackhammer/spade - then tracking 1/2 the dirt pile into my car w/ coworkers. i used plastic construction sheeting each night to drape over the entire interior, but as you can see, a fair bit of nasty dirties managed to settle on the floor.

and those are various evergreen tree needles for those of you who live in weird places without trees. yes, i'm aware that most people vaccuum them up. i'm not most people.

Here we have a massively disgusting mess of vanilla protein shake powder... i had a ziploc full of the stuff under the seat... theives probably dumped it when they realized it wasn't nose candy. (i'm probably not too far off on that one, as i work in the city with the highest property & auto crime rates in the english speaking world... plenty of drug users)

eeeeeeeeeew nasty. especially after dick (another guy named dick) spilled his/my stolen water on it. :mad::banghead:

seeing as i'm not the biggestestest jerk in the universe, i wasn't going to let some guy get paid $8-10/hr to have to clean this up & not give him something for it... sooo, a dozen of the finest :beer: available on the face of the earth it was:

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *drools* :)

la la la - buggered off all day shopping with my cousin/God daughter/grandma/2nd cousin etc... we bought one of my other 2nd cousins one badass bmx bike for his 8th bday :cool: spoiled mofo... last year my bro and i bought him a complete snowboard setup. then we had lunch at central city brewing in surrey, consisting of tandoori chicken pizza w/ spinach & cashews & some trendy yuppie coffees... lol, noteworthy experience - as it's one of the only places you can sit and enjoy good coffee/:beer:, & listen to a $500k sound system while eating hot pizza that just came out of a $75k stone slab pizza oven while you watch the cops bust drug dealers & whores through the window. we're talking ghetto living in style!:cool::p

5 o'clock rolls around... time to go see what she looks like!

on the way i snapped a few pics.. (what the hay, it's not like i was wasting film!)

it's not every day that you see a horse drawn carriage in the oncoming lane...:

128th street & hwy 10 for those that know the area.

i laughed.. pfft, 1 horespower? :laugh: - tron's got at least 75!:p

pic of a mountain off in the distance:

dunno how to use the zoom properly... so it's a craptacular pic.
don't ask which mountain, as my educated guess will probably be wrong.:p
oh yeah, & i don't live out in a rural farm area... equivalent driving time in the opposite direction from my house puts me smack right downtown vancouver, bc.

spotted: one of communist canada's bread trucks!

since the entire country of canada is only the size of an average new england american state, we only have one bakery. 2 would be overkill.

Sooo i get to the Jonker Nissan Dealership in Langley, BC (where FBI agents really get trained... none of this Langley, VA garbage) & guess who I run into???

You'll never guess... (i'm going to use some white space now to build some suspense b4 i post my mad photo editing skills pic)

:eek: (he's the celebrity:p)

i isht you not!

i'm standing in the lobby & my car's on the other side of the glass in the service dept (wicked nice garage there, btw) and there's this guy that looks sorta familiar... (hey, it's been a few years - okay?)

i grab my keys and am about to head in to check 'er out & the guy is staring at me... i asked him if he was wondering why my beater vw was parked in there:p & he says "hey, that's my volkswagen..."


"i painted that car."

ah, - then i bought it from you!

in richmond?

nope... if you painted it, at your house bordering cloverdale & langley.

oh yeah, that's right! he says.. as he proceeds to tell me he painted a couple up like this. (which is why some locals have seen a Tron clone around)

we chat for a bit... he's still in the car sales biz, but doesn't paint any more.

i told him i'll be having it resprayed & might potentially have an opportunity to get my hands dirty in a diy job w/ Swollen (mike?.. possibility? :love:)

then he gave me the quick low down on how to do a tronjob - very very simple - and slightly different than i'd thought/assumed.


yeah yeah, i'm a 'tard.. still hadn't mastered the flash opening at this point... so about all this pics is good for is reading my plate number:

*flash on*
OoOoOoOoOoOoOoooooh - sexay!

mmmm clean. no more tint residue. clean! 16v exhaust. clean!

moving around front.. look at that fugly grey hood and "smoked" eye shine!


Ooooooooh yeah baby, dead sexy glistening brown!!!

i know everyone's wondering about those protein stains in the back seat... (har har, pun intended)

check it out!

damn fine job.:cool:

and the last pic, a snap of the rear passenger estoril (sp?) passat wheel that i paid $7 a piece for:

not bad looking for $7cdn beater wheels!

I'm slow, this post took me about an hour & a half to compose. hope you enjoyed it. :)
oh, and if your posts/articles/"professional" works are lacking humour/flair/style/vw_dick attitude, feel free to contact me for my services. :p

aaah - hopefully the next 3 years aren't so dirty ('cept in my mind) so i don't have to type another one of these bad boys.:p

post script:
i love you.:)

vw_dick 05-03-2004 05:37

bwahahaha, "the text that you have entered is too long (10002 characters) please shorten it to 10000 characters" or something like that lol

Tjaap 05-03-2004 12:06

oh my, she looks beautifull..........

MelG60 05-03-2004 13:01

Nice dash!

Stijn 05-03-2004 13:19

Thats a lotta work you got in that! Sure paid off. The paintjob is soooo....80's. I like!

Should be glad the police didnt stop you with that noseca...err...protein stain in the back. Would've raised some questions, I'm sure!

vw_dick 05-03-2004 13:28

she's still a work in progress... i have grand plans for later this summer, funding permitted... ;)

Moe Sizlack 05-03-2004 17:35

i love it...tron hahahahahaha
everthing about that car is great!

RedJet 05-03-2004 19:36

Brown dash looks awesome! Where did you get that?

vw_dick 05-03-2004 19:58

Originally Posted by StraffeGast
Brown dash looks awesome! Where did you get that?

afaik, it's stock 1985... but now that i think about it, i don't think i've ever seen another one. hrmmm

Moe Sizlack 05-03-2004 21:27

you're a ghetto superstar & you didn't even know it :p

Vw-René 06-03-2004 01:13

Nice paint and very cool dashcolor! I've also never seen it before!

Tjaap 07-03-2004 21:24

i've seen brown dashes before, but this one looks soft like the GTI dashes....

all the ones i've seen were regular hard plastics

vw_dick 08-03-2004 22:22

Originally Posted by Tjaap
i've seen brown dashes before, but this one looks soft like the GTI dashes....

all the ones i've seen were regular hard plastics

yeah, it is kinda squishy... i've never really paid attention to other mk2 dashes - as i usually drive my car, not ride in someone elses... so i dunno if it's "different"... but rather than make fun, we'll just call it "special" - mmmkay?:p

Christiaan 08-03-2004 22:35

Originally Posted by Tjaap
i've seen brown dashes before, but this one looks soft like the GTI dashes....

all the ones i've seen were regular hard plastics

Edward has a brown dash is his jetta Mk1 :D

Tjaap 08-03-2004 22:47

yeh, but his car is gold :rolleyes:
Chris Also had a gold jetta with brown dash.. mk2 though

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