Thread: Gol German
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Old 21-04-2010, 16:01
FDL FDL is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 61

Well, it's been a while since last post (2 years... lol)

The project is coming to life. I'm trying to keep it going with some kind of regularity, but I depend mostly on the guys doing the body service. Now I think it's going faster (well, I HOPE at least....)

This is how it went on the last couple of years:

1st. of July - 2008

Some disassembly on course. The front panel and fenders where traded with the owner of the shop so that he could use it on a crashed Voyage (American FOX).

19th. of August - 2009

A year later I continued investing on the project. Bought some original parts so that all body parts could be assembled. These where kind of difficult to get but was worth the trouble:

3rd. of September - 2009

After buying those parts, the body adapting continued. Since I'm making a kind of reversed "face-lift", the front and rear panel needed to be changed. The work started at the rear one, using the original tail lights as reference:

23 of January - 2010

Bought a set of steelies that are kind of rare here in Brazil and widened them from 6" to 8". They where used as reference so that I could enlarge the fenders:

31 of March - 2010

After using the wheels as reference the fenders where enlarged using a MIG/MAG and sheets of steel. The front fender and panel where also assembled. They are still being adjusted so "don't mind the gaps".... lol

31 of March - 2010

This last weekend I received some more original parts, and went in a "little trip" of about 1000 km to São Paulo to bring another original part:

First, the original bumpers:

The front end in a pre-assemble. Needs just some minor adjustement:

And finally the pieces I brought from São Paulo:

3 little letters written on the head...

Well, this is it for now. As soon as I have some more news I'm going to try to update here!

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